Balkan Monitoring Public Finance ANNOUNCES:
FOR SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSALS WITHIN the European Commission’s CIVIL SOCIETY FACILITY AND MEDIA PROGRAMME 2014-2015: Support to regional thematic networks of Civil Society Organizations – “CSOs as equal partners in monitoring public finances”
Balkan Monitoring Public Finance invites all civil society organizations (CSOs) / nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) from the Western Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) to submit project proposals that are consistent with the development objectives of the project Balkan Monitoring Public Finance, and are addressing following priority areas:
1. empower the CSOs to strengthen their knowledge in the area of public finance, monitor public finance, provide policy proposals and participate in policy processes, raise public awareness, facilitate discussion with political actors and other relevant stakeholders, communicate and advocate for better accountability and transparency in the area of public finance
2. support media to communicate and inform the public on the issues or policy processes related to public finance
3. encourage the experts to conduct researches and baseline studies on the specific topics related to public finance
4. create cooperation platforms or support networking among different stakeholders for creating transparent and accountable policy and decision-making processes in the area of public finances.
The amount of funds for approved projects will range from 4.000 EUR to 8.000 EUR.
The BMPF project reserves the right not to award all available funds in the event that project proposals do not meet the given criteria. Duration of each project can be from 4 to 6 months. The selected projects are to be implemented from the period of December/2018 to June/2019.
Participation in this public call is open, on an equal basis, to all formally registered CSOs and NGOs (association/ organization or foundation) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
All interested civil society organizations can find detailed information on the conditions for applying and the criteria for funding of projects in the Guidelines for applicants, which is an integral part of the public call documentation.
The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, 1st November at 12:00 hours.
The project applications can be found in the following languages English, Bosnian, Serbian, Albanian and Montenegrin.
For Bosnia and Herzegovina the project proposals should be submitted in Bosnian language. The partner organisation in charge of the application in Bosnia and Herzegovina is CEE.
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