Educational Support

A key aim for Wings of Hope is to provide additional support to children trying to master the curriculum. By providing this academic education, the foundation strives to help children reach their potential, and to progress to the highest level of education that they wish to attain.
Bullying and behavioural issues are among the most significant issues affecting children, that is why multisystemic support is necessary. Enabling children to succeed academically increases the chances of securing a job later in life.
The foundation provides a variety of classes, ranging from the first grade to high school leaving age, as well as classes for university students and adults. As well as concentrating on improving children’s academic achievements, Wings of Hope also aims to motivate them, develop good working habits and encourage a positive attitude amongst young people towards their life long education. Furthermore, the organisation supports students in higher grades of primary school and into high school level.
Alongside the support of school children, Wings of Hope works with those who were unable to complete their high school education. The project strives to help those who are unemployed, by providing scholarships to these people in order for them to either finish their schooling or gain additional education.
Summer School – Support in Learning
Every summer before the children’s final exams, Wings of Hope offers a Summer School to those coming from disadvantaged families. This event is extremely popular, and will be taking place for the seventh time in summer 2015. Importantly, this school is run and depends upon the help of volunteer teachers.
Increasing the Level of Employability – Support in Adult Learning
Beginning in 2011 this project will continue for the foreseeable future. It was funded by CFD, a peace organisation based in Switzerland. More information about CFD can be found here: With the rate of youth unemployment reaching 62.8% in 2014, it is vitally important to support adults and young people that do not have relevant working experience or a high school diploma. With necessary education or qualifications, these young people have an increased chance of achieving employment.