Newsletter Balkan Monitoring Public Finance

Da li ste zainteresiran da saznate nešto više o trenutnoj situaciji o javnim finansijama na Balkanu i važnosti organizacija civilnog društva? Svaki Newsletter će biti specijaliziran za jednu od sljedeće četiri teme javni dug, javno-privatna partnerstva, pravednost poreznog sistema i infrastukturni projekti i imati će za cilj poboljšanje razumijevanje svih zainteresiranih kako o prioritetnim područjima tako i generalno

Public Infrastructructure in southeast Europe – in whose interest?

In the framework of project “CSOs as equal partners in monitoring of public finance“, a regional study of public infrastructure projects showed that infrastructure projects are often marred by lack of transparency and risk of corruption. To open a platform for discussing those challenges we cordially invite you to take part in the event Public infrastructure

Call for an expert to conduct Mid-term evaluation of project CSOs as equal partners in monitoring public finance

  Call for an expert to conduct Mid-term evaluation of project CSOs as equal partners in monitoring public finance The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the results of the Project CSOs as equal partners in monitoring public finance project running from 01.01.2016 until 31.12.2017. Proposals for the first round must include the following: The